Mysterious Places around the World - Interesting Tales!
Kisiljevo is a place in Serbia with around 700 inhabitants. Going back to 1725, there was a person called Petar Plogojowitz who had taken his last breath. Within the next 8 days, 9 other people died in the same village. All nine people told the same thing on their deathbeds that it was Petar’s corpse. Scary!! right?? Here comes another twist. After some days priests gathered and dug Petar’s grave. What they saw was, Petar’s nails and hairs were still growing. They spurted a stake on his body and fresh blood came out. After that killings came to an end.
Now the question is, are you going to believe that story? The world is getting smaller and smaller day-after-day, and with each passing second our beliefs in magic and mysteries are also reducing. But there exist a lot of things in the world that science can’t explain. Or there exist places in the world which are so mysterious that no one in this information-filled world can give clear information about. So let’s explore these places, maybe you could come up with a believable story:-
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1. Area 51, United States

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To make things clear, it is not a haunted place where a lot of carcasses are buried (or maybe yes!! that’s why it is mysterious). This highly secured place is reserved for special military dignitaries and researchers but only God knows if it is where they chill around and have beers or they are actually taking mankind to the next level. Among the flood of speculations, some most common ones are that this is where the USA communicates with Aliens!! or they produce advanced military weapons. Alien communication centre sounds interesting, however, it still stands as a mystery that what actually happens in Area 51.
2. Bhangarh Fort, India

Bhangarh Fort Image Credit –
This fort is the most haunted site in India. No one is allowed to go inside the fort after the Sun plunges in the horizon because it is believed that no one who went inside after sunset, ever came back. Of course, it has its own stories. One story says that there lived a beautiful princess on which a priest, who new black magic, had a crush and wanted to marry her. He tried to cast spells on her in order to gain her love. But when the princess got to know about it she threw an object on which turned into a boulder and hit the priest. Just before his death, he gave a curse to her and the whole village. It led to the downfall of the whole kingdom and even the death of the princess. It seems like the curse is still active. Another story unfolds that when the king of Bhangarh build his fort, it didn’t meet the conditions of a saint or priest and thus the angry saint cast a curse on the dynasty and village.
3. The Bermuda Triangle, Atlantic Ocean

Bermuda Triangle Image Credit –
How can there be a list of mysterious places without the Bermuda triangle? This is the biggest unsolved mystery that humans have encountered. Even though this mystery is more than a century old, no one knows clearly what’s going on. Experts have thrown a lot of theories around it but never helped to unfold the mystery. Lots of ships and planes have disappeared here without leaving any trace. Some pundits say that this is the hub of aliens on earth whereas some say these accidents happened because of the magnetic fields in this region.
4. Hessdalen Lights, Norway

Hessdalen Lights Image Credit –
Hessdalen lights can be seen in Hessdalen valley in Norway and no knows for sure that what makes these lights glow. These light seems beautiful and is non-violent in nature, unlike some others in this list. What some scientists think about this phenomenon is that these lights are created by a natural battery buried deep underground, created by earthly minerals and sulphur. But it is still a theory which is yet to be proved.
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5. Pyramids

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When we think of pyramids, an image of Egypt flashes into our mind. But, to your surprise, there are a lot of pyramids across the world, for example in Sudan, South America, Iran, etc. But the greatest of all these are considered to be The Pyramids of Giza, which is in Egypt. The Pyramids of Giza consists of 3 pyramids and, beyond any present-day human’s capacity to understand, are perfectly aligned to the stars. These pyramids across the world share great similarities despite being thousands of miles away and continue to amaze archaeologists. No one knows clearly why these magnificent structures were built and what do they symbolize. But some do believe that pyramids were created to bury their great kings and dignitaries inside it, as a mark of respect to them. While the mystery continues, it is still considered to be the greatest achievement of mankind and attracts tourists in mass every year.
6. Eternal Flames, New York

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Have you ever seen a fire burning behind a waterfall? It’s hard to imagine but they do happen in some parts of the world. It happens because of the gas produced from boiling hot ancient rocks. But that’s not the case of Eternal flames located at Chestnut Ridge Park in New York City. Scientists say that the rocks nearby it are not hot enough to produce the gas and thus puzzle the human minds.